It is really with great pleasure that I accepted the invitation to attend and welcome tonight’s event, which is jointly organized by “Eugnomon” Publications in collaboration with my friend and author, Mario Michael, on the occasion of the presentation of his first book, with title: “Resurrection through the Golgotha ​​of rare diseases”.
This is a life guide, which is a soul deposit! With a very humane approach and with deep sensitivity, the author records in simple and comprehensible language personal events and experiences that left an indelible mark on him and by extension his family.
The goal of this laudable effort is to be a source of inspiration, strength, practical support and support for each of our fellow human beings who may be facing difficulties and problems that seem insurmountable!
The “Saint of Greek Letters”, the unsurpassed Alexandros Papadiamantis captures with masterful simplicity the famous phrase: “As if the passions and sorrows of the world never end”, precisely implying that life does not stop, on the contrary, it moves forward with all its suffering its own course.
The author, with his tangible example, guides this path, illuminating everyone’s path with optimism, hope and faith. It is, in other words, a positive look, full of a smile, which effectively defends itself against any difficulties of an intense and demanding daily life, which calls us to respond to a variety of roles, reaching for excellence in whatever we do. And of course this can only be a soul-destroying process, which disrupts the balance and measure at all levels of our lives.
The book of my friend, Mario Michael presented tonight, is undoubtedly a self-improvement manual for every reader, who loves himself and who respects the good and divine gift of life.
By his example, Marios proved to be a beacon of light and a genuine fighter, after fighting with repeated challenges and problems. However, the upheavals in his life caused him to be driven from despair to success and redemption.
With positive thoughts and exhortations, but above all with courage and self-confidence, the author highlights the beauty of life as well as all those methods and techniques, which make every person a sharer of this beauty. A beauty that improves everything bad, giving quality, peace and tranquility to every day we deserve to live. Why everyone? it is worth remembering that for every day of our life, we should be both grateful and happy!
In conclusion, I would like to express to my friend and author Mario Michael my warm congratulations for the persistence and patience with which he worked in order to complete this book, which is officially presented tonight. At the same time, I express my most sincere and heartfelt wishes for health, personal and family happiness and all the best for the future!